Wednesday 29 November 2006

Please feel free to add any comments or suggestions:


Anonymous said...

I have to say it is a lovely forum to get the thoughts of people and actually guage the opinion of how people look at religion and fashion. because i think people always get confused between these two terms.

Anonymous said...

good luck with your work, it is very promising to see someone take there own initiative and set up an blog to collect peoples thoughts on fashion and islam which isn't really given much thought by most.

Anonymous said...

suggestion maybe try and get this out to people on the web by checking out young Muslims blogs :)

Anonymous said...

you can do the above by leaving comments on their blog and asking them to leave comments on yours.
Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how H&M sell hijabs all year around, to most people they aren't cnsidered hijab but merely a neck scarf they can wear as an accessory in winter or even summer depending on the trend. Yet, if you look at when the scraf trends die down, H&M still sell them all year around. Maybe they acknowledge there is a market when it comes to hijab? who knoe's maybe it will be Hijab pins next? check out a website called