Wednesday 29 November 2006

Can you be religious and fashionable at the same time?


Anonymous said...

I don't see why that should be a problem. There are many young muslim women in the UK who are fashionable yet preserve their religion.

Anonymous said...

yes you are fashionable if you are living in this world you always try and look good yes you could be religious at the same time if you want to. if you follow the relegion your fashion will have different trend in it but still that will be fashion as well. cuz trend is something which emerges in the group of people and hence goes to fashion.

Anonymous said...

Of Course! And this goes both ways for men and woman. Religion is something that comes from the inside, and as long as you dress modestly there's nothing to stop you from being fashionable.

Anonymous said...

Why not? I feel that i am fashionable and yet i still feel that i stay faithful to my religion.

Anonymous said...

i believe you can be both relgious and fashionable, it can be quite difficult at times but many woem and young girls manage it.

Anonymous said...

Being fashionable and religious is quite simple sometimes but difficult at others. When gypsy skirts and tunic tops were made abundant in all sizes and colours, it became a lot easier for me to shop and look decent without feeling exposed :)

Anonymous said...

religion and fashion can walk hand in hand as long as you put religion first. By this I mean don't necessarily dress to impress, dress for yourself, make sure the inner you is the reason why you shine :)

Anonymous said...

of course why can't they be fashionable??? They can follow popular trends like the rest of the world